Green Skills

Students and teachers become greener, learn how to mitigate their Carbon Footprint and how to improve the environment.


Future Classroom Lab

Our Green Skills MOOC is a massive open online course (MOOC) located in CIPFP Ausiás March own learning environment in Moodle, and designed within the concept of Future Classroom Lab. Link

MOOC plan

Learning zones

 In the learning zone: INTERACT

Students will get to know one another,
Students and teachers establish international teams, joining one of the teams on the padlet.
Students will discuss in forums of the TwinSpace their thoughts and feelings after watching some material
Students will learn what Carbon footprint, climate change, and air Quality is and how can we contribute to offset our carbon footprint and mitigate our impact on our environment.
Students will share their thoughts in an online meeting

In the learning zone: DEVELOP
Develop zone is a space for informal learning and self-reflection. Students can carry out MOOC work independently at their own pace, but they can also learn informally while concentrating on their own interests outside of the formal classroom settings at school, out of the school, in the park, at any other place and at home.
By providing ways to foster self-directed learning, the MOOC teachers support learners’ self-reflection and meta-cognition skills. 
The schools in the project encourage their students towards true lifelong learning by acknowledging and validating informal learning.

Students will calculate their Carbon footprint and gather some data: Tones of Carbon Dioxide (n tones)
Percentage of the Carbon footprint caused by our food (Food %)
Percentage of the Carbon footprint caused by our travel (Travel %)
Percentage of the Carbon footprint caused by our, home (Home %) and 
Percentage of the Carbon footprint caused by our stuff (Stuff%) 
Students will reflect about their impact on environment

In the learning zone: INVESTIGATE
Students will research how to mitigate and offset their Carbon Footprint
Students will research the Air Quality of the cities in the project (volunteer)
Students will investigate at school and at home detecting fails and propose how to become greener 
Students will gather information with their own images about what they buy to eat (packages…), where is food from, how they go to school, how they travel, habits at home and consumption habits… in order to be aware of their own impact on earth.
We investigate and learn from our mistakes, we don’t judge anyone.
In the learning zone: EXCHANGE
Exchange Zone places much importance on the ability to collaborate with others. The teamwork takes place while investigating, creating and presenting.
The quality of collaboration is composed of ownership, shared responsibility and decision-making process within groups.

ICT can help to create a richer way of communication and collaboration.
Students will exchage their ideas to imporve their environment at school and at home
Students will share their ideas to create a school plan to become greener at school and outside of school
Students will share tips to become greener and will get images of their changes of behaviour at home with packages or how they go by bycicle to school ar how they grow a plant at home..
Students will share ideas of Reduce-Reuse-Recycle stuff 

Key points for Exchange

Learning to communicate and work with others is probably one of the most valuable skills a student can learn. Extending this across the school can reinforce pupils’ sense of social responsibility
Teamwork for better inclusion: working in groups can teach students to take into account differences and include them as diversity always in a positive way.
Learning by playing, researching, doing, communicating..
Collaborating online: the exchange can be extended to after-school tasks with the aid of an online learning environment and supervised use of social networks.
Letting ideas fly: brainstorming is a great group activity, allowing pupils to exercise their natural creativity and imagination.

The teachers will be at their side, acting as coaches to support teams when needed.

Teamwork can take place at different stages of the scenario, for instance, while investigating, creating and presenting. 
The quality of student collaboration is composed of ownership, shared responsibility and by the decision-making process within the group.

Learning zones in the MOOC

MOOC Presentation.

The MOOC to upskill green skills is the activity 3.2

In the learning zone CREATE
Students will create in teams a digital presentation of their tips, actions and research to show the rest of the school how to become greener
Students will chose their own way to present the information as a result of their learning process in the MOOC
Students showcase their work developing over time their learning portfolios, which can help them to link between different disciplines, and provide a real-life context to their MOOC work.
Students can use some equipments like chroma key, high-definition video camera, digital camera (pocket), flip camera, video editing software, audio recording equipment (e.g. microphones), podcast software, animation software, streaming software and any other equipment they decide to use making consensous
Key points for Create
Learning by creating: students are actively involved in producing and creating their own content. This allows them to exercise their imaginations, and to innovate.
Using engaging technology: ICT provides a number of ways to design, create and disseminate learner-generated content.
Developing learners’ soft skills: the students develop their soft skills through project-based work, including presentation, planning, and teamwork.
Giving students independence and ownership over their learning: enhancing students’ engagement with the task, and helping to foster their sense of personal responsibility.
Creating for real-life: students’ social entrepreneurship can be triggered by initiating and implementing projects aimed to increase the wellbeing of the school or local community.

In the learning zone of PRESENT

Students get the opportunity to share what they have created and this goes beyond the presentation of finished products.
Sharing with others, students show they have a voice, and they are capable of producing meaningful, authentic, high-quality work. At the same time
Students will develop soft skills, as this process offers opportunities to reflect on the work done and to clarify misconceptions or areas for improvement.
The future classroom is a workplace where not only final products are showcased, but it is an area where trying out and failure are an inherent part of learning.


Sustainable small size business ideas in a digital labour market


Activity 5.2 Onsite Groups’ meeting in Valencia 2023

24th – 29 th April 2023

25 April Meeting Day

09:30 am

At CIPFP Ausiàs March Meeting point.

Welcome Ceremony. Welcome speeches

Driving questions. Climate change (global warming). Starting point: Climate Change Videos

  • Is it caused naturally by the Earth, by human activity or by both?
  • Apart from being part of the problem, can we be part of the solution?

26 April 2023

Participants become GREEN

27 April 2023

28 April 2023

Entrepreneurial skills activity

Green plans

Team work

Hecho con Padlet
